JESSE LEACH On Upcoming KILLSWITCH ENGAGE Album: 'I Wouldn't Change A Thing'

June 12, 2019

KILLSWITCH ENGAGE frontman Jesse Leach says that he "wouldn't change a thing" about the band's upcoming album. The disc will be released this fall via Metal Blade Records in the U.S. and Sony Music Entertainment in the rest of the world.

Leach took to his Instagram two days ago to write: "Today I listened to the new album in its entirety while climbing a mountain. Yes, it was epic!

"After all the time, blood, sweat, tears and a damn vocal surgery...I have to say I wouldn't change a thing. At first, I was a bit crestfallen that a few songs I truly loved didn't make the cut. Now after time has passed (and I've not listened to it for a while),I listened with fresh ears today. I gotta say I am quite satisfied! The messages, the tones, the track listing order, the artwork, the overall feel of this album, it just feels fresh!

"I feel there is something for everyone on this one. It captures the wide range of styles and topics that are part of our history as a band as well as pushing things just a touch. It is a pretty amazing feeling as a very picky and perpetually unsatisfied (and fairly insecure) artist to feel accomplished.

"Anyway, enough out of me for now, more to come in the next month or so! Until then, many thanks for all the love and support my friends! Here is to another chapter and another album cycle on the way!"

KILLSWITCH ENGAGE's new album will feature a guest appearance on one song by the band's former lead singer Howard Jones. It will mark the band's third full-length release since the return of Leach, who rejoined the group in 2012.

Leach appeared on KILLSWITCH's self-titled debut and sophomore album, "Alive Or Just Breathing", before exiting the band. Jones took over on vocals for "The End Of Heartache", "As Daylight Dies" and the 2009 self-titled set before being dismissed from the group seven years ago.

"Incarnate" debuted at No. 6 on the Billboard 200 with first-week sales of 35,000 equivalent album units. In terms of pure album sales, it opened with 33,000 copies.

KILLSWITCH ENGAGE's last release was the "Beyond The Flames: Home Video Part II" two-disc, Blu-ray and CD package.

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Today I listened to the new album in its entirety while climbing a mountain. Yes it was epic! After all the time, blood, sweat, tears and a damn vocal surgery...I have to say I wouldn’t change a thing. At first I was a bit crestfallen that a few songs I truly loved didn’t make the cut. Now after time has passed (and I’ve not listened to it for a while) I listened with fresh ears today. I gotta say I am quite satisfied! The messages, the tones, the track listing order, the artwork, the over all feel of this album it just feels fresh! I feel there is something for everyone on this one. It captures the wide range of styles and topics that are part of our history as a band as well as pushing things just a touch. It is a pretty amazing feeling as a very picky and perpetually unsatisfied (and fairly insecure) artist to feel accomplished. Anyway enough out of me for now, more to come in the next month or so! Until then many thanks for all the love and support my friends! Here is to another chapter and another album cycle on the way! . #Repost @musicmadnessmagazine ・・・ @killswitchengage at @sonictemplefestival More to come at #killswitchengage, #SonicTempleFestival, #SonicTemple, #DWP, #MapfreStadium, #MusicMadnessMagazine, #livemusicphotography, #trevorwilliamsphotography #JesseLeach #PunkRockMetalHead

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